Sabrina Basten
Starting date03-06-2021
Ending date25-08-2021
Sabrina Basten (DE) is a multidisciplinary artist working with the subjects of female empowerment, community-building, and memory. Her work tells stories and creates personal contemporary mythology, centering the underrepresented narratives of women and other identities in a male-oriented society. Basten creates Female Warrior made up of old vases stacked on top of each other with added ceramic extremities, dressed on their surface with illustrations and words. Working with ready-formed narratives of these objects, she blends their history with the stories she wants to tell. Basten experimented with a combination of kaolin and fritte to find the perfect recipe for a glue-like glaze suited for firing at a low temperature (876 C), to not destroy the existing imagery of the found objects. Basten also worked on a series of Magic Sticks, which will soon be available in her own webshop and a body of work she named “la manufacture des tétons de la verité”, which are available in the EKWCshop.