The EKWC offers its residents an excellently equipped centre in which to explore their artistic impulses and develop their work.
In addition to workshops advanced technical amenities, residents can enjoy large studios, private bedrooms, a library, a large communal kitchen and outside space.
The EKWC believes that equal opportunities are extremely important and strives to create an open, inclusive and equal environment in which people have the opportunity to flourish. The EKWC encourages everyone from different backgrounds, ages, experiences, cultural and ethnic backgrounds or physical characteristics to register.
The EKWC is accessible for people with a disability and all facilities can be accessed by wheelchair.

The workshops
EKWC has well-equipped workshops for mold-making, glaze, metal, wood.
Our mold-making workshop includes both traditional and digital mold-making techniques.
The glaze-room is stocked with a wide array of glaze chemistry, pigments and oxides, as well as a library of test-tiles from which residents can find preliminary information about, and recipes for, their own glaze tests and experiments.
Our metal workshop is equipped with a MIG welder, drill-press, and a variety of hand-tools.
The wood workshop has a large wall-saw, band-saw, mitre-saw, belt-sander, as well as a good store of hand tools available for use.
Proper, advance knowledge of these tools (and their safe usage) is required. For those residents without prior experience, detailed instruction and/or supervision will be given by our advisors/staff.
Our team of experienced advisors help residents to problem-solve, gain knowledge and experience and realize their plans — but it is the residents themselves who are ultimately responsible for their ideas and processes. These, and the making of the work, is entirely in the residents’ own hand
The kilns
The EKWC kilns are custom made by Blaauw Products, a company that has been building kilns for more than thirty years.
We have both electric and gas-fired kilns, the largest of which has a volume of 6000 liters. Computer-controlled control systems ensure a carefully programmed firing proces.

The EKWC has a dedicated studio space for experimentation with, and the recording of, sound.
The SoundLab was designed to be flexible — with removable sound-absorbing panels to meet different acoustic needs. There is a set of measurement microphones, several contact microphones, as well as a variety of other standard recording microphones. There are portable speakers, cables, a multichannel (16 input channel, extendable) interface, and an in-house computer (Mac) equipped with audio editing software (Adobe Audition). Residents are also encouraged to bring their own equipment and to use their own preferred editing software to supplement or enhance this primary equipment.
In and through the SoundLab, residents can perform material testing and tuning; check frequency responses; develop musical instruments and ceramic sound devices; you name it!
Please note that, while our advisors and staff have a good working knowledge of sound-making and recording processes, we cannot provide sound or recording engineering. However, the EKWC can provide a list of appropriate contacts to enquiring residents and, of course, assist them within our means.

The EKWC library contains a growing collection of books related to a wide range of subjects — including: technical manuals (ceramics and glaze chemistry); art history; exhibition catalogues; art collections; and worldwide artist-in-residence addresses. There are also many artists’ monographs, including publications of previous participants, as well as a collection of limited-edition books. Art and ceramics magazines and periodicals are also available.
Residents can visit the library day and night for inspiration and information and borrow books freely during their time in residence.
Title | Author | Year | ISBN | Classification code | |
Formosa 1550-1720 | Tonio Andrade | 2017 | 078-957-32-8033-0 | 01 04.06 | |
Geschiedenis eiland Taiwan in chinese tekens | |||||
Taiwan 1895-1945 | Spring partner | 2019 | 978-957-9689-41-0 | 01 04.07 | |
Kunstgeschiedenis eiland Taiwan in chinese tekens | |||||
Les Histoires Communes | Elke aus dem Moore | 2007 | 978-3-00-023191-9 | 01 04.08 | |
Textiel, cultuur en sociale betekenis in Afrika | |||||
Antiek | Onbek. | 1968 | n.a. | 01 06.03 | |
Overzicht van oude kunst | |||||
Culturele arbeidsmarkt | Kimberly van Aart | 2018 | 978-90-6650-150-8 | 01 06.04 | |
Wat zijn kunst en cultuur ons waard? | |||||
De Grote Bosatlas | Onbekend | 2001 | 90-01-12100-4 | 01.01.01 | |
Atlas van de hele wereld. | |||||
Kramers Woordenboek: Nederlands | Red. H. Coenders 21ste dr. - | 2000 | 90-6882-433-3 | 01.02.01 | |
Nederlands woordenboek | |||||
Wolters’ Ster Woordenboek: Duits-Nederlands | F.R. Bos, H.C. Dijksma 2de dr. - | 1996 | 90-6648-678-3 | 01.02.02 | |
Woordenboek | |||||
Wolters’ Ster Woordenboek: Nederlands-Duits | F.R. Bos, H.C. Dijksma 2de dr. - | 1996 | 90-6648-679-1 | 01.02.03 | |
Woordenboek | |||||
Wolters’ Ster Woordenboek : Nederlands-Engels | H. de Boer, E.G. de Bood | 1996 | 90-6648-673-2 | 01.02.04 | |
Woordenboek | |||||
Wolters’ Ster Woordenboek: Frans-Nederlands | M. Braaksma, A.M. Stoop 2de dr. - | 1996 | 90-6648-658-9 | 01.02.06 | |
Woordenboek | |||||
Wolters’ Ster Woordenboek: Nederlands-Frans | M. Braaksma, A.M. Stoop 2de dr. - | 1996 | 90-6648-659-7 | 01.02.07 | |
Woordenboek | |||||
Wolters’ Ster Woordenboek Spaans-Nederlands | J.B. Vuyk-Bosdriesz | 1993 | 90-01-81307-0 | 01.02.11 | |
Woordenboek | |||||
Netherlands | Ryan Ver Berkmoes, Jeremy Gray | 2001 | 0-86442-705-0 | 01.03.01 | |
Guide to the Netherlands 1st edition | |||||
Belgium & luxembourg | Leanne Logan, Geert Cole | 2001 | 1-86450-245-2 | 01.03.02 | |
Guide to Belgium and Luxemburg | |||||
The Netherlands | Ryan Ver Berkmoes, Karla Zimmerman | 2013 | 978-1-74179-895-1 | 01.03.03 | |
Guide to the Netherlands 5th edition | |||||
100 verhalen van de Looierij KVL Oisterwijk | Hennie van den Berg, Joost van den Berg [et al] | 2016 | 978-90-824154-3-8 | 01.04.01 | |
Met vermelding van het EKWC en werk van Arabella Pio | |||||
Onze smaak: Wat Nederlanders eten en drinken – een overzicht in woord en beeld | Samenst. Jonah Freud | 2004 | 90-5897-188-0 | 01.04.02 | |
Dit boek geeft in alfabetische volgorde typische Nederlandse groenten, fruit, gerechten: balkenbrij, gehaktbal, en de Bossche bol (werk gemaakt in het Europees Keramisch Werkcentrum -.ekwc- te 's-Hertogenbosch door Sigurdur Gudmundsson). | |||||
Groeten uit Oisterwijk – Oisterwijk toen en nu | Peter Smulders, Martin van der Waals [et al] | 2019 | N.A. | 01.04.03 | |
Overzicht aan foto's en tekst over Oisterwijk nu en toen. Mede mogelijk gemaakt door de Heemkundekring De kleine Meijerij | |||||
Op zoek naar het alledaagse vaderland | Dr. A.F. Manning | 1975 | 90-254-3030-9 | 01.04.04 | |
Geschiedenisboek waarin aan de hand van journalistieke beschrijvingen en vele afbeeldingen een beeld wordt gegeven van het alledaagse leven in Nederland |

Almystraat 10
5061PA Oisterwijk
The Netherlands
Phone: +31(0)133031180