The EKWC works with the following funds and organizations to make a residency at the EKWC as accessible as possible.
The Cultuurfonds https://www.cultuurfonds.nl
Van Achterbergh Domhof foundation https://www.vanachterbergh.nl
Stokroos foundation https://stokroos.nl/home
Spain: AC/E Acción Cultural Española (Sociedad Mercantil Estatal de Acción Cultural, S.A). https://www.accioncultural.es/en
Taiwan: Ministry of Culture https://www.moc.gov.tw/en/Default.aspx
France: France-Nederlands Cultuurfonds / Nouveau Grand Tour in the Netherlands. https://institutfrancais.nl/nl/
After the selection procedure, we will nominate candidates to the Cultuurfonds, Achterberg Domhof foundation and the Stokroos foundation. In this nomination we take into account the different criteria (including age, nationality and professional practice in years) of the various funds. The EKWC makes the nomination, but the fund ultimately decides. This selection takes place in the first quarter of each year.
In the case of the Spanish, French and Taiwanese residencies, separate rounds are organized in collaboration with the EKWC. For example, French participants are selected in the first months of each year and there is a Spanish Open Call every year in May.

Almystraat 10
5061PA Oisterwijk
The Netherlands
Phone: +31(0)133031180
Email: info@ekwc.nl