Oscar Peters

Starting date09-12-2021
Ending date09-03-2022

Oscar Peters (NL) enjoyed knowing little about ceramics at the start of the residency, leaving room for play, experiment, and chance. During a trip to Spain, facing his own emotions, Peters got inspired by the mythical landscape around Cuenca – where the movie Conan the Barbarian was filmed – and the sentimental gloom of the paintings of the pre-raphaelites, Francisco Pradilla y Ortiz, and Goya in El Museo Nacional del Prado. Peters worked on a neolithic altar that will become the centerpiece of the total installation The Gift of Fury. Peters used many of the techniques available, such as casting, coiling, the mechanical extruder, and CNC-milled press-in-molds created from the weapons of 3d scanned action figures of the eighties.